Carpal Tunnel & Beyond

Yes I took the plunge and had my operation on my right wrist in April, it hurt a lot but I wasn’t expecting the effect on my mental health to be worse. I have never been good at asking for help and the control freak in me makes for sheer torture when others don’t do it “my way”. Baking stopped for 8 weeks which seemed an eternity,  turning work down  hurt but my regular customers waited patiently and kept me amused with tales of  tasteless gluten-free supermarket offerings.

I had planned to update the website, write more blogs and you know use my brain while my hands were out of action but my brain didn’t want to play ball. Looking back I see now it was uncertainty of when I would be fit again to bake and at what skill level it would be that stopped me moving on with my plans. May and June were dominated in our house with G.C.S.E’s for my eldest, there was school trips, end of term shows, sports days and a family holiday phew maybe I have been busy!

We are now at the half way point in the summer holidays, my kids are 10, 13 and 16 now so boredom and lack of routine is truly setting in. Sleepovers, odd cinema trips and numerous appointments for my daughter to the orthodontist are breaking the monotony of the holidays and BAKING.

I have been working on producing some different gluten-free treats, packaging designs are underway and a feature in a new vegan and free from trade magazine is becoming reality. Only now 4 months post op can I pat myself on the back and say you done good girl!

I have juggled like a pro, attended workshops to improve my small business, pushed myself to speak to professionals and I’m baking with a new vigour as the realisation sets in that I do offer a unique service that only a solopreneur can.

If you have any questions or would like to order from me use the form below and i will be in touch.

Until next time….

Victoria Bakes-51

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